East and West Bamfield Sewer Collection Referendums
The Determination of Official Assent Voting Results occured at 2pm on Wednesday November 20, 2024 at the Alberni-Clayoquot Regional District office (3008 5th Ave, Port Alberni).
Preliminary Results
REFERENDUMS (Assent Voting)
East Bamfield Sewer Collection System Service Establishment
West Bamfield Sewer Collection System Service Establishment
In November 2024, the Alberni-Clayoquot Regional District (ACRD) is conducting two referendums in East and West Bamfield. The referendums will provide qualified electors within each of the proposed service areas an opportunity to vote on whether or not they support the ACRD proceeding with establishing the following services:
- East Bamfield Sewer Collection System Service
- West Bamfield Sewer Collection System Service
Bamfield Referendum Mailout October
Bamfield Sewer Referendums
Saturday, November 16, 2024 from 8 am – 8 pm at the East Bamfield Firehall (352 Pachena Rd., Bamfield)
Advance Vote
First Opportunity: Wednesday, November 6, 2024 from 8 am - 8 pm at the East Bamfield Firehall (352 Pachena Rd., Bamfield)
Second Opportunity: Wednesday, November 13 from 8 am – 8 pm at Flora’s Restaurant on the West Side (75 Bamfield Boardwalk, Bamfield)
Key Election Dates
Date | Action or Deadline |
September 27 | Mail ballot requests begins |
October 16 | 8 am – Scrutineer application begins |
October 25 | 4:30 pm – Scrutineer application period ends |
November 6 | 8 am – 8 pm - Advance Voting |
November 13 | 8 am – 8 pm - Advance Voting |
November 16 | 8 am – 8 pm - Voting Day |
November 20 | 2 pm – Declaration of Official Assent Voting Results |
What will you be voting on?
East Bamfield
Qualified Electors within the East Bamfield Sewer Collection System Service Area will be asked to vote on the following question:
Are you in favour of the Alberni-Clayoquot Regional District adopting the following bylaws:
- East Bamfield Sewer Collection System Service Establishment Bylaw No. E1065, which will permit the Alberni-Clayoquot Regional District to establish and operate a sewer collection system in East Bamfield; and
- East Bamfield Sewer Collection System Loan Authorization Bylaw No. F1163, which will permit the Alberni-Clayoquot Regional District to borrow up to $1,500,000 over a period not exceeding 20 years for the purpose of constructing a sewer collection system in East Bamfield?
West Bamfield
Qualified Electors within the West Bamfield Sewer Collection System Service Area will be asked to vote on the following question:Are you in favour of the Alberni-Clayoquot Regional District adopting the following bylaws:
- West Bamfield Sewer Collection System Service Establishment Bylaw No. E1066, which will permit the Alberni-Clayoquot Regional District to establish and operate a sewer collection system in West Bamfield; and
- West Bamfield Sewer Collection System Loan Authorization Bylaw No. F1164, which will permit the Alberni-Clayoquot Regional District to borrow up to $2,400,000 over a period not exceeding 20 years for the purpose of constructing a sewer collection system in West Bamfield?
On July 24, 2024 the ACRD Board of Directors gave three readings and the Inspector of Municipalities has provided statutory approval for the following bylaws:
- East Bamfield Sewer Collection System Service Establishment Bylaw No. E1065, 2024
- East Bamfield Sewer Collection System Loan Authorization Bylaw No. F1163, 2024
- West Bamfield Sewer Collection System Service Establishment Bylaw No. E1066, 2024
- West Bamfield Sewer Collection System Loan Authorization Bylaw No. F1164, 2024
The following Bylaw Synopsis have been provided. The synopsis provides a summary of each of the bylaws.
East Bamfield Sewer Collection System Service Area
East Bamfield Sewer Service Schedule A MapWest Bamfield Sewer Collection System Service Area
West Bamfield Sewer Service Schedule A MapWho can vote in the referendums to establish the services?
Voter Qualifications
Resident and non-resident property electors within the boundaries of the proposed service areas must meet the following qualifications to vote:
Resident Elector- 18 years of age or older on voting day;
- Canadian citizen;
- Resident of BC for at least six months immediately before the day of voting;
- Be a resident within the boundaries of the proposed service area;
- Must not be disqualified under this act or any other enactment from voting in an election or be otherwise disqualified by law.
- 18 years of age or older on voting day;
- Canadian citizen;
- Resident of BC for at least six months immediately before the day of voting;
- Registered owner of real property within the boundaries of the proposed service area for at least 30 days immediately before the day of voting;
- Must not be disqualified under this act or any other enactment from voting in an election or be otherwise disqualified by law.
You have been designated by the other owner(s) of the property as a Non-Resident (property) Elector for that property. A majority of owners must complete and sign a
Property registered in company/corporation name does not qualify under the Local Government Act to vote in this local government election.
The following rules apply to determine whether a person meets the residency requirements to qualify as an elector:
- A person is a resident of the area where he or she lives and to which, whenever absent, they intend to return.
- A person can be a resident of only one area at a time for voting.
- A person does not change from an existing area of residence until they have a new area of residence.
- A person does not stop being a resident of an area by leaving it for temporary purposes only, such as for school or for work purposes. If a person moves to a new area to attend an educational institution that is away from their usual area of residence, they may choose to vote in either area but not in both.
Registration - Voting Day Only
There is no need to pre-register to vote, as the registration of all qualified electors will take place at the time of voting.Identification
All electors are required to bring two (2) pieces of identification to the voting place. The identification must show the elector's identity and place of residence and at least one of the pieces of identification must show the elector's signature. Acceptable identification includes:- BC Drivers License
- Social Insurance Card
- BC Identification Card
- Credit Card
- BC Care Card or Gold Care Card
- Property Tax Notice
- ICBC Vehicle Insurance Registration Documents
- Utility Bill
- Citizenship Card Note: A combined BC Driver's License and BC Care Card are considered one piece of ID
Mail Ballot Voting
You must submit a Mail Ballot Application Form - West Bamfield or Mail Ballot Application Form - East Bamfield to the Alberni-Clayoquot Regional District Office either by mail (3008 Fifth Ave., Port Alberni, BC, V9Y 2E3), fax (250-723-1327), or email (elections@acrd.bc.ca).
For more information on voting by mail, refer to the Information on Voting by Mail document.
To request a mail ballot, fill out the Mail Ballot Application Form - West Bamfield or Mail Ballot Application Form - East Bamfield.
The ACRD will send out mail ballot packages commencing on or about October 11, 2024. If your application is received after November 1, 2024 and time does not permit mailing, you should arrange to pick up a package from the ACRD Office. To be counted, your mail ballot must be received by the Chief Election Officer and at the ACRD Office (3008 Fifth Avenue, Port Alberni, BC V9Y 2E3) or another ACRD Voting Location on VOTING DAY, November 16, 2024, before the close of voting at 8 pm.
No Scrutineer applications were received.
What are Scrutineers?
Scrutineers are volunteer positions that observe the assent voting procedures and scrutinize the ballot-counting process at the end of voting day. Any person entitled to vote as an elector in the assent voting jurisdiction is entitled to apply to act as scrutineers during the assent voting.
Legislation referenced in application:
- Local Government Act Section 172(1) and (2)
- Local Government Act Section 65 and 66
- Local Government Act Section 181(2)
- Cynthia Dick, Chief Election Officer - 250-720-2706
- Heather Zenner, Deputy Chief Election Officer - 250-720-2731
- Or by email at elections@acrd.bc.ca
If you want more information on the Bamfield Sewer Connection Community Interest Project, go to our Let's Connect page.