Planning & Development

Zoning Bylaw

Zoning implements land use planning policies outlined in the Official Community Plans, and regulates how land, buildings and other structures may be used. Zoning in the ACRD is regulated by Zoning Bylaw No. 15, which applies to all six electoral areas within the ACRD. Each property in the ACRD is assigned a specific zone or zoning district as described in the Zoning Bylaw.

Find My Zoning

To determine your property zoning and details on regulations, access the Regional District Web Map from www.acrd.bc.ca/maps. After toggling on the Zoning Layers on the web map, click on the map to view the details about the selected zone, including District and Bylaw Section. Once you have determined what the property is zoned, refer to the Zoning Bylaw then follow these steps:

  • Find the zoning district or zone (A1, RC, R1, R2, RM1, RA1, etc.) in the Zoning Bylaw table of contents in Schedule No. I - Zoning District and Use Regulations. Then click on the page number that's hyperlinked to jump to the specific zone. Each zoning district will include development regulations specific to that zone.
  • Refer to Supplementary Regulations in Section 6, some of which include: location and siting of buildings (6.2), accessory buildings and uses (6.5), minimum floor area for dwelling units (6.11), fences (6.15), etc.
  • Refer to Schedule No. II - Bulk and Site Regulations to determine minimum lot width and area, maximum lot coverage, building setbacks (front, rear, side), and maximum height.

Zoning Bylaw Review

The current ACRD Zoning Bylaw No. 15 is in the process of being updated as part of the Zoning Bylaw Review project. Refer to the Zoning Bylaw Review webpage for more information.

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Planning and Development