
Salmon Beach Zoning Summary




This document is for information only. It is designed to assist an individual in the
interpretation of Section 143 Salmon Beach (SB) District of Bylaw No. 15. It does not
replace bylaws or other legal documents.

Salmon Beach Zoning Summary in pdf

Salmon Beach Zoning Map in pdf

Civic Addresses September 2010


1) Do all buildings or structures on the Salmon Beach properties require building permits?

No. Under the current BC Building Code, any building under 107 square feet does not require a permit. Anything larger does require a permit. However, it should be noted that all buildings or structures, whether they require a permit or not, must comply with the Salmon Beach (SB) Zone as far as structures permitted and the following setback requirements; 20 foot setback from the front and rear yards and 10 foot setback from the side yard. The only exception is for a common services building which can be located 1.0 metre (3.25 feet) from any property line.

2) The Salmon Beach zoning allows a maximum 160 square foot storage building. Does this have to be one building or can a person have several storage buildings provided that the total floor area of the storage buildings does not exceed 160 square feet?

No. Only ONE storage building is permitted. It can be smaller than permitted floor area, but must not exceed the maximum of 160 square feet.

3) Are cabin building packages offered through building supply stores permitted on lots in Salmon Beach?

The building inspector may issue a building permit provided the building package meets the following, but is not limited to:
  • the building package complies to the current BC Building Code,
  • the floor area complies to the permitted use and building floor area determined by lot size,
  • the building complies to height requirements, and
  • the owner has an approved health permit for a holding tank.

4) Can an owner have a cabin plus a trailer or recreational vehicle used for accommodation on a single parcel?

No. Maximum density of use and development on any lot is limited to one (1) recreational trailer or travel trailer or one (1) single family dwelling. Also to note, parking of not more than 2 vehicles is permitted on an individual lot, except where one is a trailer or travel trailer, then parking is increased to three to include the trailer or travel trailer.

5) Can a person operate or carry on a business from a lot in Salmon Beach?

No. Permitted uses only allow periodic non-permanent use for seasonal vacation and recreational purposes, excluding any tourism, commercial, industrial or home occupation uses.

6) Can an owner attach a storage shed to a cabin with a covered walkway/breeze way?

No. The storage building must be detached from the cabin. If it is attached, the storage floor area will be used in the calculation of the cabin floor area.

7) Can a storage building have a second storey?

Yes, provided that the height of the building does not exceed 12 feet. There is also a provision that any storey of the storage building "cannot" be used for any type of human accommodation or human occupancy. Note: height of building or structure means the vertical distance between the topmost part of the structure to average "natural" grade of the perimeter of the base of the building or structure.

8) Are decks permitted?

A deck is defined as a structure abutting a dwelling, with no roof or walls except for visual partitions and railings which is constructed on piers or foundations above‐grade for use as an outdoor living area. Deck dimensions are restricted to a maximum combined horizontal area of 1000 square feet. An uncovered deck, providing a roof over the interior of a structure, is permitted.

9) How does the Regional District define or determine roof space?

Roof space is the horizontal space between the uppermost floor and the lowest point in which the roof is connected to that floor.

10) Do all lots have to have a geotechnical report on site conditions prior to a building permit being issued?

This is site specific and will be determined by the building inspector to ensure all buildings are supported on load bearing ground. Such areas that may require a report would be areas where it is suspected or determined that fill material has been placed, with no information to determine if it was suitably compacted for structural development, therefore changing the natural grade.

11) Under the definition of "Half Storey", it states that the use is exclusively for sleeping purposes. Would an owner be permitted to have a washroom included in the half storey area?

Yes, a washroom is permitted in the half storey area.

12) Is a roof covering over a cabin or storage building entrance used in the calculation of the total floor areas of the structure?

If the roof covering is enclosed, the area is to be included in the calculation of the total floor area of that building. If the covering is not enclosed, is an integral part of the building, and is not supported to the ground by posts (i.e. cantilevered), it is not included in the calculation for total floor area of the building. An open roof covering over an entrance supported to the ground by posts or other supports is not permitted.