Planning & Development

Community Planning Engagement


A huge thank you to everyone who participated in the Community Planning Engagement over October and November 2023! We heard from approximately 300 community members at the workshops and open houses held throughout the ACRD, and the online survey had almost 250 responses. We are very grateful for all of the thoughtful input and engaged conversation about community values and interests in each of the Electoral Areas.

A summary of the community input received (highlighting the trends identified on the key topics discussed throughout the region) has been compiled, and a report was presented to the Electoral Area Directors Committee on November 29 (agenda available here: www.acrd.bc.ca/events/29-11-2023/).

Continue to check back on this webpage for more information on upcoming comprehensive updates to the Electoral Area Official Community Plans (OCPs).

Fall 2023 Community Planning Engagement Summary Report supporting documents:

Community Planning Engagement Survey #1 Responses Report

Community Planning Engagement Display Board Input:

Community Planning Engagement Summary and Next Steps Presentation
Help shape the future of your community!

Throughout October and November 2023 the ACRD heard from community members from each Electoral Area to explore what they think their community should look like now and in the future. Engagement activities included an online survey and interactive workshops and open houses in each Electoral Area. Community members were encouraged to tell the ACRD about their community values and interests, and discuss opportunities and challenges in their area.

The ACRD asked community members from each Electoral Area about specific land use concerns and ideas for improvements, and discussed whether the current Official Community Plans (OCPs) effectively communicate the community vision. Each ACRD Electoral Area has its own OCP, which were developed collaboratively between 2007 and 2014 with local Advisory Planning Commissions (APCs), Electoral Area Directors, and the ACRD Board of Directors in consultation with community members.

Discussion topics included:

  • OCPs and Zoning Bylaws
  • Recreational Vehicles (RVs), Accessory Dwellings Units (ADUs) and Housing
  • Off-street Parking and Docks
  • Home Occupations and Home Industry
  • Agriculture and Animals
Additional community input topics included: community visioning to support comprehensive rewrites to each Electoral Area Official Community Plan (OCP), key topics identified through the Zoning Bylaw Review engagement, and whether the ACRD maintains one current Zoning Bylaw No. 15, or develops individual area Zoning Bylaws.

Activities included in-depth community engagement to hear from residents and property owners in each Electoral Area, and provided more information on the different kinds of land use planning tools available: Official Community Plan (OCP), Zoning Bylaw, Development Permit Areas, and other planning resources and tools.

Please contact Planning staff with any comments or questions in the ACRD office, by email communityplanning@acrd.bc.ca, or phone 250-720-2700.