
Notice of Disposition of Land or Improvements

China Creek Campground

Pursuant to Sections 285 and 286 of the Local Government Act, Notice is hereby given that the Alberni‐Clayoquot Regional District (ACRD) intends to dispose of land via Lease Agreement known as the China Creek Regional Park and Campground, with the following:

    PID - 000-503-801 - Lot 1, District Lot 153, Alberni District, Plan 18547, Except Parts in Plans 28684 and 41248 PID 000-529-320 - Lot A, District Lot 153, Alberni District, Plan 41248

The Lands are presently held and occupied by the Port Alberni Port Authority as a campground facility pursuant to a lease for a term of 19.5 years commencing July 1, 2010 and expiring on December 31, 2029. The proposed disposition is a new Lease (the "Lease") for a period of 20 years commencing January 1, 2030 and expiring in December 31, 2049. The rent to be received by the ACRD in respect of the new term of the Lease is an amount equal to 2.4% of the Lease holders annual gross revenue from the campground, at year 11 the rent is to be renegotiated. The capital upgrades to be received by the ACRD in respect to the new terms of the lease include:

  • Water System Upgrade
  • Lower Boat Trailer Parking Area Upgrades
  • Internet Upgrade
  • Septic System Upgrades
  • Games Courts
  • Upper Parking Lot Development
  • Main Road Paving
  • Dredging

Any individual, entity, or corporation wishing to enter into a lease with the ACRD for this property must submit, in writing, their proposal and acceptance of all of the terms and conditions as outlined in the lease agreement to the ACRD. The proposal must be delivered to the ACRD, at the email address or mailing address shown below, no later than 4:00 PM PST on February 28, 2025. Faxed proposals will not be accepted.

This is not a call for tenders. No contractual or other obligation will arise between the ACRD and any person that responds to this Notice unless and until a written agreement has been duly executed relating to an approved proposal. The ACRD reserves the right in its absolute discretion to accept or reject any proposal submitted in response to this Notice.

The Notice of Distribution of Land can be found HERE.

For further details pertaining to the above noted lease please contact ACRD Procurement at procurement@acrd.bc.ca or 250-720-2700.

Email submissions to: procurement@acrd.bc.ca

Paper Submission to: 3008 Fifth Avenue, Port Alberni, BC V9Y 2E3

CYAZ - Long Beach Tofino Airport

Pursuant to Sections 285 and 286 of the Local Government Act, Notice is hereby given that the Alberni-Clayoquot Regional District (ACRD) intends to dispose of land via Lease Agreement at the Long Beach Airport CYAZ in Tofino, BC, with the following:

  • Pacific Rim National Park Reserve of Canada at Lot LS-L2024002, 120 and 186 Airport Road for a term of five (5) years commencing on April 1, 2024, and ending on March 31, 2029, at a scaled rate of $74,080 in year 1, 85% of $100,106.70 in year 2, 95% of $100,106.70 in year 3, and $100,106.70 in year 4 and 5 plus GST and yearly BC CPI increases. The purpose of this lease is for a maintenance and office building, and a storage building and yard.

Any individual or corporation wishing to enter into a lease with the Regional District for this property must submit, in writing, their proposal and acceptance of all of the terms and conditions as outlined in the lease agreement to the Regional District. The proposal must be delivered to the Regional District, at the address shown below, no later than 4 pm on January 30, 2025. Faxed or emailed proposals will not be considered.

This is not a call for tenders. No contractual or other obligation will arise between the Regional District and any person that responds to this Notice unless and until a written agreement has been duly executed relating to an approved proposal. The Regional District reserves the right in its absolute discretion to accept or reject any proposal submitted in response to this Notice.

The Notice of Distribution of Land can be found HERE. For further details pertaining to the above noted lease please contact ACRD Procurement at procurement@acrd.bc.ca or 250-720-2700.