Planning & Development

Bamfield Development Plan

The purpose of the Bamfield Development Plan (BDP) is to identify physical and infrastructure capacity and limitations in Bamfield. This data will inform future Official Community Plan (OCP) reviews, housing needs reports, and recommendations for future planning and development applications. By identifying development potential and limitations based on existing zoning, existing Bamfield OCP policies, physical land constraints, current servicing capacity, potable water, sewerage capacity, and potential servicing upgrades, the BDP will inform the Bamfield OCP review and update. It is important to identify both capacity and limitations, so that the community can make informed decisions through the OCP review. Policies for future development opportunities do not have to be set at the maximum capacity, but they should not exceed the physical limitations of the community.


Contact Us
ACRD Planning and Development | 250-720-2700 | planning@acrd.bc.ca