Arrowsmith Amateur Radio Club

Arrowsmith Amateur Radio Club (AARC)

Disaster Functions

AARC provides radio communications when and where required to authorities in event of disaster, whether in the local area or in other areas of Vancouver Island. AARC is part of a dedicated team, which includes Emergency Operations Centers, Provincial Emergency Program, Canadian Red Cross and other emergency operations in Tofino, Ucluelet, Alberni Valley and Comox Valley. AARC also has mutual aid agreements with other mid-island radio groups to volunteer and help with tests and exercises and in event of a declared emergency.

Members and Membership

AARC currently has 34 members in (made up of both men and women) and over 20 of those members are active. Knowledge and experience levels range from basic and Morse code to more advanced with many members being amateur radio operators for many years. New members are always welcomed to the regular monthly meetings at the EOC office on 4th Avenue next to the Coastal Community Credit Union. These meetings are held on the second Wednesday of each month (excluding July and August) at 1930 hours. Members also meet weekly for coffee at Smitty’s on 3rd Avenue at 0900 hours on Saturdays. Anyone interested in becoming an amateur radio operator could contact any local “Ham” radio operator and will be lead in the right direction. There are classes and self-study courses to assist in the learning process and once a correct license has been obtained, many doors are opened to the wonderful world of amateur radio.


Most radio operators have and carry a hand-held portable 2-meter radio with them. Many also have mobile 2-meter radios in their vehicles. There are HF base stations in some member homes as well as a complete HF system set up in the AARC radio station for global communication, all of which can be utilized in event of an emergency.

For more information on the AARC, visit or contact:
Al Winney 250 723-2093
Ian Repannir 250 724-4491

"Surviving a Disaster is Everyone's Business"